Friday 1 June 2012

*apologetic face goes here*

I'm so sorry for not updating for a while, but I have been very busy, and a lot of the stuff I have done shall be noted down in this very long post - at least, it will be when I'm done.

Firstly, I am now a prisoner in my own home. Apart from school, I am grounded for three months. Yes. Not days. Not even WEEKS. MONTHS. My eyes are melting into my nostrils already (whuh?) and there's only been a week so far. I feel like I want to run out of the house at the end - and then probably get hit by a truck. But that's just luck for you.

Then we get on to a few funny things that have happened recently. For example, in Science today we were creating presentations on three people who have changed the way we think about the universe - Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo. The only important one is the last one, and here's why:

Teacher of awesome : Can anybody tell me who Galileo was?
Amy : He's just a poor boy, from a poor family!
Me : Spare him his life from this monstrosity!
Teacher of awesome : Thunder and lightning, very very frightening!
All : Galileo, Galileo!
Amy : Galileo, Galileo!
Me : Galileo, Figaro!
Sir : Magnifico!

*insert rest of Bohemian Rhapsody here*

Totally spontaneous, I promise.

Oh, and we also watched X-Men today. In English. Whoooo!

I had to improvise a thing in Drama - no brief, just make something up - and I decided to deliberately face-plant for it. In practice, it worked perfectly, but I didn't get to in the final performance. Boo. Oh, and then the teacher kept us behind for ten minutes because of a scrunched up, blank piece of paper.


I should go now, but here's your tongue twister for today - try and say Russian Soldier's Shoulder Holsters five times really quickly. It'll drive you insa- too late. xD

Bye, then.


  1. I do not need to tell you how much I laughed about Galileo....
    You're grounded for that long? I was just grounded for a week and then banned from the internet for two months. Ssssh. I am /not/ on here now. No way at all. *shifty eyes*.

  2. *shifty eyes +1*

    Yeah. That long. Though I'll probably make it a few weeks, put on my best puppy dog eyes and then it's off to town we go! pfft...
