Thursday 17 May 2012

Oh, wait a minute.

And this is the part where I realize that I haven't even introduced myself.

My name is Sarah. Didn't know that? Well, you're an idiot, but now you know. I am a teenager who lives in a 'meh' town and goes to a 'meh' school - we'll get on to that in a moment.. My favorite colour is purple, followed by blue, followed by black, followed by red, followed by... and so on. I like Ben and Jerry's, videogames (particularly retro stuff, like Mario/Sonic/Tetris/blahblahblah - and according to spell-check, 'tetris' isn't a word. awww.) and my bestest fwiends Nikki and Amy. They rock. Amy has a blog too, by the way. I don't like my school (again, we'll get to that soon) or broccoli, and that's about it.

Now, my school. It's pretty much a normal school, and it has a few good points - like our awesometastic balcony and the fact me and Amy entered a competition and came the highest our school had ever come, yay - but it's still stupid. Like in class, nobody will stop shouting. And I mean nobody. I have a headache every single day. Oh, and the boys I have to hang out with? Total morons. And I have to hang out with them otherwise I get annoyed to death by Year Elevens, and they're even worse. (Lots of italics in this, huh?)

That'll do for now. Oh, and I want to be an author someday, if that helps. I might put one of my prologues up on here if anyone cares, or even likes this blog. But whatever.



  1. It's finally let me follow your blog. Finally. Which is good. Well, not for you. Because I will probably comment on everything. Which will be annoying. But I will anyway. Because I can.

  2. Gaaaaaah. xD Goody, now my stalker has arrived! *lulz*
