Monday 21 May 2012

A very long post of epicosity.

So, I've kinda realized that what I've been posting so far is so... necessary. But this is a blog of awesomeness, so I must include every possible joke and quip I can. I also need to use more links to funny things. Let's start things off with something relatively old in my life - by which I mean it's been about a week - which is that I have given some of the teachers at school nicknames. These nicknames are based on the names and personalities of Pac-Man ghosts. First off is Pinky, whom we have named for the one time he wore a pink shirt. (My friend keeps asking him to wear it again, but I don't really think it's going to work.) Then we have Inky, whom we have named for the fact that he is... well... little. Seriously - I'm taller than him, and I'm only in Year Eight! (Not that this is a problem - he has an awesome Irish accent and he's funny, yay.) Then we get onto Blinky, whom we have named because she wears glasses. That's it. But we really wanted to give her a nickname, in the spirit of fun, so there you go. Finally, there's Clyde, and we have nicknamed that teacher Clyde because he is the captain of awesometastic-epicosity. That, and it suits him. I would tell you their names, but I shouldn't for privacy reasons - it's not that they'll get mad, we call them it to their faces, they think it's funny too!

Next, let's get on to a certain man by the name of Benedict Cumberbatch. You might also know him by the name of Sherlock Holmes. Either way, both of these names and both of these people are absolutely fabulous! I borrowed my friend's first-season Sherlock DVD and let me just point out a couple of important facts. One - I aspire to be like Sherlock almost entirely, apart from the 'doesn't really have friends' aspect. Two - Benedict Cumberbatch is an epic actor. Three - said epic actor is also pretty damn fit. But that's just me. And my friend. I'll get the next DVD tomorrow, watch it, see how much more epic/fit he can get. (Martin Freeman, aka John Watson is also kinda cute, but Benedict is the best so far)

Another random little point - a guy at my school waddled up towards me in History and raised his eyebrow. I shall now call him Mister Sexy Penguin, even though he's just a friend and I don't even know him all that well, so...

The reason I have typed so much is because I'm bored. Anyway.

I was finishing my English assessment today, and you know how adverts always have buckets of small print at the bottom? I made mine extra long, and filled it with funny things. It was mainly about a guy called Jim who needed to keep up repayments on his home insurance in order to avoid falling into debt with a magazine company and end up having to smuggle apples through Russia in order to not end up having the Moon 'accidentally' fall onto his face at half-past five in the morning.

Yeah. I'm sure Miss won't mind.

Another thing is that I hate this boy at my school. I won't name him, because I don't particularly want him to hunt me down and, heaven forbid, steal my pencil case. But let's just say he's a complete and utter moron. Another of my friend's been off for about a week now, and he just can't seem to stop making fun of her. I don't really mind normally, but I get the feeling there could be something seriously wrong with her, and it's a bit sick to make fun of someone who might be - no, is - seriously ill. And I apparently like the word 'seriously' now. Seriously. But anyway, I hate him. Blargh.

Speaking of which, said boy is also constantly making reference to the fact that said friend is probably ill because another of my friends - this time, it's the boy that everybody knows I fancy, and won't ever let me hear the end of it, bloody hell - has apparently... done something to her. You can guess what that 'thing' is for yourself. But really, it's pathetic, immature and a bit worrying. My friend with the awesome blog has known me for a year or two, the others for about, oh, I don't know, six or seven. And yet that one friend is more 'friendly' and less arrogant and snide than the others have ever been, and I often wonder as to why I couldn't have had it the other way around. It really sucks, the making fun of the fact I fancy him. Odd thing is, I was at a party once and everyone, I mean everyone, said they fancied him too. Yet they don't seem to remember. How odd. Not like it matters, it's never going to happen - recently, he's been obsessed with a nearly sixteen-year old girl. That's just silly, especially as they've never really spoken, from what I know. What a predicament.

Well, that shall have to do for today. A lot of rambling has happened. I haven't used any links. But it'll have to do. I wonder what I shall have for tea.

1 comment:

  1. It will work, Sarah. It WILL. He will wear that shirt even if I have to kidnap him, tie him up and FORCE IT OVER HIS HEAD! He'd probably spend the entire time looking at pictures of boys in our class though......... But NEVER MIND!
    I am glad that seem to have somehow introduced you to the FRICKINAWESOMEGODAMNHOTSEXIESTMANINTHEHISORYOFEVER that is Mr Cumberbatch. But. You have yet to say "Oh crumpets. I've been Cumberbatched."
    Until then, my friend. Goodbye.
