Friday 3 August 2012

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

So, here comes a relatively mediocre post. Not.

First of all, here be a particularly cool thing I found out - fish fingers and custard really is nice. No, honest.

And stuff.

Just wanted to let you all know I'm alive. As in the maybe four people that read this...

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Sorry... again.

Okay, so I won't be able to update for a couple more days.

Meanwhile, happy late 21st birthday to Sonic the Hedgehog! He's now old enough to get wasted - not that this picture makes him look that old, but all's fine in blah and blah when blahdy blahdy blah. Eh heh heh.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

This face? It's the one I use when I don't care.

So, let's do this list style again.

1) I was ill on Friday, but Amy apparently pretended to be a carrot then. She rolled up in a orange sheet and said "I'm a sexy carrot!" - in fact, she shouted it. Outside a room where teachers were holding up "SILENCE - exam in progress" and nobody cared. So there's that for starters.

2) I have created my own FanFiction account. I'll link it in the next post.

3) I have also created a RedBubble account. I will sell pretty things there. My name is Phoenixi, so keep an eye on me for awesome stuffs.

4) I have a really long homework in for tomorrow. Have I started it, you ask? Have I hell!

5) Okay, so this is a short post. More pictures will be in the next one.

Bye for now.

Monday 18 June 2012


Okay, so I forgot. But here's a load of awesome Sonic pictures til' tomorrow:

Well, see you tomorrow.

In a moment...

...I shall make an actual post.

I promise. Just gotta have tea first.

Until then, Silver as a Chao:

Sunday 17 June 2012

Thursday 14 June 2012

*whistles* Well, I'm bored now.

Okay, so I've had an idea. What if I made the world's most confusing word? Like 'unrefrainabilitismical' and 'disunpropercrastinatingunderificaliticismical' or some crap like that.

And now, the actual post.

Firstly, I'm going to Amy's on Saturday. We are going to eat fish custard and create a joint Fan-Fiction account, then we will most likely pass out from awesomeness overexposion. Sorry.

Fun things about today:

1) In Geography, I got to sit at Miss's desk, with a spinny chair. Yay!

2)In ICT, I did some work and Amy showed me pictures of Sherlock and Doctor Who things she was going to buy or make. Yay!

3) I sort of referred to Amy as my girlfriend and made Ashleigh shoot Coke out of her nose in confusion. Note that we are not girlfriends. Yet. Yay!(?)

4) I lost my pen. Then I stole Miss's. Then I lost that pen. Yay!

5) I found a picture of Sherlock and John as Hello Kitty style - here it is:


6) I then decided to think of rainbows. Yay!

Okay, I'm running out of random stuff today. But I did decide to try and learn better drawing skills, if only for Sherlock fan art. Because the only thing that will make me decide to become better at Art is that kind of sexiness. Yay!

Gotta go now! Yay!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

This is going to be what we call 'a thing'.

Okay. Wow. I really didn't expect it to be this cool.

What I mean by this is the story me and Amy are going to write. It's a great big adventure and randomness journey featuring me and her, and starring the casts of Sherlock (BBC, not the 'meh' films), Mario, Sonic, Harry Potter and our school - more specifically, Clyde-to-be, aka Teacher Of Awesome, and everyone else. Here's a few things that might happen, taken as extracts from my notes made in a stolen English exercise book. Oh yeah.

"Mrs. Hudson must bitch-slap someone at least once per chapter, and it can be anyone that isn't from Ruskin. That's our job. And definitely not Clyde-to-be."

"...and everyone falls in love with Moriarty. Come on, who doesn't love him? Any Irish evil geniuses with bad-ass ringtones deserves some love. So."

"You need a good chapter start? Clyde-to-be dancing the Macarena on top of a pyramid in a snowstorm, whilst wearing a top hat. Weren't confused before? That's certainly changed."

There's far more I could say, but I probably shouldn't - most was written at three in the morning, under the influence of tiredness and possibly alcohol. It feels like that water was mixed with something, at least... but that's the basic thing.

We made scones today. Mine were cheesy. Because everything tastes better with cheese. Everything. Even a chocolate and fish finger pizza, and that's already pretty damn tasty.

I should go now, before the tiredness sets back in and stuff starts happening, like before.

Saturday 9 June 2012

80% freedom, 14% imprisonment, 6% chocolate.

Again, I haven't posted for a few days, but that's for the opposite reason to before. I am probably about 65 percent ungrounded, but I can't say for sure. You see, my mum says I'm still grounded, but they're letting me go to the cinema and other things, so am I really still in trouble? Probably not. But anyway, onto the insanity.

On Thursday, I went to see Snow White and the Huntsman. It was pretty good, although Kristen Stewart is completely sticking to her no-smiles policy, it seems. I shared a massive box of popcorn with my friend Ashleigh, and we had a mixture of three different flavours of Slush Puppie before hand. Our tongues should have been rainbows, but they just turned blackish-brown. Sugar overdose, awaaay! Afterwards, we waited in the arcade next door because it was raining, and Ashleigh made me go on one of the DDR machines (you know, the dance mats). Now, I'm pretty good at these, and after a round of medium difficulty, she caught the button and made me go on the hardest difficulty. The first song wasn't too bad, and I got an A-rank, but that's only because it was a song I knew and had practiced at. The final song... oh, bloody hellfire. My legs collapsed beneath me after about ten seconds, though I do think I have that song on my DDR at home, so next time I will well and truly show off.

I go back to school on Monday, but my best friend won't be. She's had to rush off to Poland on a family emergency, and that's all I can say. However, I will have to go semi-loner for the week, else I'll end up punching one of my moronic friend-boys after they make a snide comment about 'just wanted a holiday'. They've done it before, and I sure as hell won't tolerate it again.

Well, that's about it for now. Oh, but I have to leave with an interesting fact... did you know that no two cornflakes look the same? Or that the average human falls asleep after 7 minutes?

Further proof of my abnormality, then.

Friday 1 June 2012

*apologetic face goes here*

I'm so sorry for not updating for a while, but I have been very busy, and a lot of the stuff I have done shall be noted down in this very long post - at least, it will be when I'm done.

Firstly, I am now a prisoner in my own home. Apart from school, I am grounded for three months. Yes. Not days. Not even WEEKS. MONTHS. My eyes are melting into my nostrils already (whuh?) and there's only been a week so far. I feel like I want to run out of the house at the end - and then probably get hit by a truck. But that's just luck for you.

Then we get on to a few funny things that have happened recently. For example, in Science today we were creating presentations on three people who have changed the way we think about the universe - Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo. The only important one is the last one, and here's why:

Teacher of awesome : Can anybody tell me who Galileo was?
Amy : He's just a poor boy, from a poor family!
Me : Spare him his life from this monstrosity!
Teacher of awesome : Thunder and lightning, very very frightening!
All : Galileo, Galileo!
Amy : Galileo, Galileo!
Me : Galileo, Figaro!
Sir : Magnifico!

*insert rest of Bohemian Rhapsody here*

Totally spontaneous, I promise.

Oh, and we also watched X-Men today. In English. Whoooo!

I had to improvise a thing in Drama - no brief, just make something up - and I decided to deliberately face-plant for it. In practice, it worked perfectly, but I didn't get to in the final performance. Boo. Oh, and then the teacher kept us behind for ten minutes because of a scrunched up, blank piece of paper.


I should go now, but here's your tongue twister for today - try and say Russian Soldier's Shoulder Holsters five times really quickly. It'll drive you insa- too late. xD

Bye, then.

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Ah, the hilarity.

Randomness ahoy. As always.

First -  I absolutely despise stupidity. So.

Anyhoo, I wanted to talk about a crisis in the modern world - buttons. Don't any of you care that buttons are going to take over the world? It's such a scheme. See, they start off easy and kind to you, quick to slip into their slots. Then, all of a sudden, you find it slippery. Then they won't stay in. And then they break off into freedom and hide in the cracks of your house, and you decide to leave them there because you hate them for all the trouble they've caused. You'll get a new one, it'll be nice to you. But this process repeats, and then there will slowly become a button team in your house, about twenty. Twenty for every house.

Then they take over the world.

So, there you go. Here's a list of Sherlock things while I leave.

Jim Moriarty is hot.
John Watson is cute.
Greg Anderson is awesome.
Sherlock Holmes is sexy. x_^
Also, Mrs Hudson is not your housekeeper, damn it.

That will be all.

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Told you so.

Another post, then.

This isn't going to be all that long, but I just needed to point out a few things:

a) My head hurts.

b) There's no chocolate left.

c) All of my pens are dead.

Commence panic stations! (That is all)

Oh, goody.

Well, that was something.

Something means everything by the way. Like how my friend wasn't dying, she was just being kept prisoner in Ireland (more in a moment). Or like how Sherlock is still the best show in existence with only six episodes. Or like how, thanks to a few people in Technology, I now have the mental image of Sonic and Tails going to KFC in the BatMobile while wearing Batman costumes and top hats. Yes. Or perhaps how our (me and my friend Amy) favourite made up Sherlock quote is 'I'm not a psychopath, I'm the sexiest man alive'. Or even how I spent far too long on the swings at the park this morning and nearly managed to vomit out of my nose. Overall, that really was... something.

This is besides the main point - I am sad. Because now I have to wait until next year to watch the new series of Sherlock. Which is annoying, since it's made by the guy(s?) who make Doctor Who, and that starts in a couple of months. I wish it were the other way round - Sherlock is made really well, but Doctor Who's nowhere near as good as it used to be. I want more Sherlockness! (Which, according to spell-check, is synonymous with 'carsickness'...) Only three 90 min episodes per series... why not 13, like Doctor Who? Yes, they're half the size, but that isn't important. Benedict Cumberbatch is 100 times cooler than Matt Smith - despite the lack of a fez, but you can't have everything, can you?

That'll have to do for now. Maybe another post later?

Monday 21 May 2012

A very long post of epicosity.

So, I've kinda realized that what I've been posting so far is so... necessary. But this is a blog of awesomeness, so I must include every possible joke and quip I can. I also need to use more links to funny things. Let's start things off with something relatively old in my life - by which I mean it's been about a week - which is that I have given some of the teachers at school nicknames. These nicknames are based on the names and personalities of Pac-Man ghosts. First off is Pinky, whom we have named for the one time he wore a pink shirt. (My friend keeps asking him to wear it again, but I don't really think it's going to work.) Then we have Inky, whom we have named for the fact that he is... well... little. Seriously - I'm taller than him, and I'm only in Year Eight! (Not that this is a problem - he has an awesome Irish accent and he's funny, yay.) Then we get onto Blinky, whom we have named because she wears glasses. That's it. But we really wanted to give her a nickname, in the spirit of fun, so there you go. Finally, there's Clyde, and we have nicknamed that teacher Clyde because he is the captain of awesometastic-epicosity. That, and it suits him. I would tell you their names, but I shouldn't for privacy reasons - it's not that they'll get mad, we call them it to their faces, they think it's funny too!

Next, let's get on to a certain man by the name of Benedict Cumberbatch. You might also know him by the name of Sherlock Holmes. Either way, both of these names and both of these people are absolutely fabulous! I borrowed my friend's first-season Sherlock DVD and let me just point out a couple of important facts. One - I aspire to be like Sherlock almost entirely, apart from the 'doesn't really have friends' aspect. Two - Benedict Cumberbatch is an epic actor. Three - said epic actor is also pretty damn fit. But that's just me. And my friend. I'll get the next DVD tomorrow, watch it, see how much more epic/fit he can get. (Martin Freeman, aka John Watson is also kinda cute, but Benedict is the best so far)

Another random little point - a guy at my school waddled up towards me in History and raised his eyebrow. I shall now call him Mister Sexy Penguin, even though he's just a friend and I don't even know him all that well, so...

The reason I have typed so much is because I'm bored. Anyway.

I was finishing my English assessment today, and you know how adverts always have buckets of small print at the bottom? I made mine extra long, and filled it with funny things. It was mainly about a guy called Jim who needed to keep up repayments on his home insurance in order to avoid falling into debt with a magazine company and end up having to smuggle apples through Russia in order to not end up having the Moon 'accidentally' fall onto his face at half-past five in the morning.

Yeah. I'm sure Miss won't mind.

Another thing is that I hate this boy at my school. I won't name him, because I don't particularly want him to hunt me down and, heaven forbid, steal my pencil case. But let's just say he's a complete and utter moron. Another of my friend's been off for about a week now, and he just can't seem to stop making fun of her. I don't really mind normally, but I get the feeling there could be something seriously wrong with her, and it's a bit sick to make fun of someone who might be - no, is - seriously ill. And I apparently like the word 'seriously' now. Seriously. But anyway, I hate him. Blargh.

Speaking of which, said boy is also constantly making reference to the fact that said friend is probably ill because another of my friends - this time, it's the boy that everybody knows I fancy, and won't ever let me hear the end of it, bloody hell - has apparently... done something to her. You can guess what that 'thing' is for yourself. But really, it's pathetic, immature and a bit worrying. My friend with the awesome blog has known me for a year or two, the others for about, oh, I don't know, six or seven. And yet that one friend is more 'friendly' and less arrogant and snide than the others have ever been, and I often wonder as to why I couldn't have had it the other way around. It really sucks, the making fun of the fact I fancy him. Odd thing is, I was at a party once and everyone, I mean everyone, said they fancied him too. Yet they don't seem to remember. How odd. Not like it matters, it's never going to happen - recently, he's been obsessed with a nearly sixteen-year old girl. That's just silly, especially as they've never really spoken, from what I know. What a predicament.

Well, that shall have to do for today. A lot of rambling has happened. I haven't used any links. But it'll have to do. I wonder what I shall have for tea.

Sunday 20 May 2012

That was a close one.

I would have updated yesterday, but I couldn't. My computer died.

No, it actually died.

I was just watching a video a friend had sent me, and all of a sudden, it just went off. Luckily, my awesomeness dad used his RAINBOW MIND OF BRILLIANCE (this is now a thing.) to save my computer, although I did lose half my data. Luckily, it was the pointless half. All it had on it was Windows... oh.

So we got that reinstalled, and it's all good now. And as a bonus, I got a new TV in my room and solved a problem my dad's been having for years! You see, his CD and DVD thing on his laptop hasn't worked in forever, and mine broke earlier today. Get this - he's had the problem for ages couldn't fix it. Me? Two hours of searching and twiddling, and we have lift-off! Further proof that I am the epitome of awesomeness. Which is weird, since I never use that word, right? It's not like the name of this blog is... ah.

(Oh, and according to Google, 'blog' isn't a word. Well, that was something.)

I should probably go now, but here's a question and two answers:

Q. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A1. A woodchuck would chuck all the wood a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

A2. If a woodchuck 'could' chuck? He can. So screw you, reality.

(After writing 'woodchuck' so much, my eyes now hurt. Let's hope yours don't too.)

Better go now, I feel as though my medication is wearing off. Toodleoos!

Thursday 17 May 2012

Oh, wait a minute.

And this is the part where I realize that I haven't even introduced myself.

My name is Sarah. Didn't know that? Well, you're an idiot, but now you know. I am a teenager who lives in a 'meh' town and goes to a 'meh' school - we'll get on to that in a moment.. My favorite colour is purple, followed by blue, followed by black, followed by red, followed by... and so on. I like Ben and Jerry's, videogames (particularly retro stuff, like Mario/Sonic/Tetris/blahblahblah - and according to spell-check, 'tetris' isn't a word. awww.) and my bestest fwiends Nikki and Amy. They rock. Amy has a blog too, by the way. I don't like my school (again, we'll get to that soon) or broccoli, and that's about it.

Now, my school. It's pretty much a normal school, and it has a few good points - like our awesometastic balcony and the fact me and Amy entered a competition and came the highest our school had ever come, yay - but it's still stupid. Like in class, nobody will stop shouting. And I mean nobody. I have a headache every single day. Oh, and the boys I have to hang out with? Total morons. And I have to hang out with them otherwise I get annoyed to death by Year Elevens, and they're even worse. (Lots of italics in this, huh?)

That'll do for now. Oh, and I want to be an author someday, if that helps. I might put one of my prologues up on here if anyone cares, or even likes this blog. But whatever.


Wednesday 16 May 2012

Well, this is nice.

Following today, when I saw my friend's blog that is awesome, I realized something - blogs are awesome. So I got this thing started up. And now the formalities are done.

Now the awesomeness starts.

Weird foods are always awesome. Always. Hence fish custard, choccy cheese, choccy chips and the other interesting (to say the least... yip, that's the least) combinations I have eaten this week. All were awesome, and I dare you to deny it. Go on, just try it.

Another thing that I like to do is watch shows and films I haven't seen in years and pick out the bits that still make me laugh. It's always nice to realize that, despite the burden of exams and all that... stuff, you somehow are still immature enough to laugh at a show for five year olds made pretty much before you were born. So there's that.

I promise, this is the most formal my blog shalt ever be. Now then, good sire, take thee to thy nearest - yeah, this is OTT. I'm leaving now.